25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, Turkey, 15 - 18 May 2017
Innovations in the field of health increase with the developing technology nowadays. These technological advances in the health field have enabled us to meet with telemedicine applications. Telemedicine is the use of computer technologies and the Internet infrastructure so that we can access health services without going to the hospital. In telemedicine applications, patients can access past electronic health records of patients can be accessed as well as access real-time instant electronic health records is provided. Real-time telemedicine applications usually aim to provide remote access to the biological signs of the patient and to diagnose them through these signals. In this study, it is mentioned how a real time telemedicine application can be performed, which features should be provided, and which performance criteria should be taken into consideration while developing. In addition, performance values are examined for a sample implementation.