International Ship Stability Workshop, 11-13 September 2023, Istanbul, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Eylül 2023, ss.1-7
The chaotic behavior of parametric roll motion is widely known. Briefly, disregarding viscous effects may
have an impact on roll amplitudes, particularly around the velocities where bifurcation takes place. In the
presented study, experimental, numerical, and analytical analyses are used to examine how the behavior of the
ship is altered when viscous effects in parametric roll motion are neglected. In order to compare it with the
approximate analytical solution of the 1 DOF nonlinear equation of parametric roll motion, 6 DOF experiments
are conducted with constant velocities. While there are viscous effects in the experiments, viscous effects are
neglected in the analytical solution since the GZ curves used in the analytical solution are obtained by
hydrostatic methods and does not contain viscous effects. Then, various CFD analyses are carried out to
determine updated GZ curves, which include viscous effects. So, the updated GZ curves that are obtained from
CFD analyses are adapted to the analytical solution, and the results are compared with over the viscous effects.