in: Customer OrientedProduct Design, Cengiz Kahraman ve Selçuk Çebi, Editor, Springer-Verlag , Kwaluseni, pp.35-55, 2020
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), which provides customer-oriented product design, is a quality improvement tool that reflects customer requirements (CRs) to the technical characteristics (TCs) of product and production process. The importanceratingoftechnicalcharacteristicsinconventionalQFDisdeterminedonly bycustomerrequirements,withoutconsideringcompanyconstraints.Indetermining whether the technical characteristics are effective for the company, QFD is used integrated with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In generating the relations in the House of Quality (HoQ), the linguistic expressions of the experts are converted into fuzzy numbers to provide flexibility to the model and to cope with uncertainty. The Fuzzy DEA-QFD method, which includes customer requirements as well as companyconstraints,hasnotbeenproposed.Inthiscontext,thischaptercontributes to the relevant literature by means of developing an integrated QFD approach to determine the importance of technical characteristics based on both the customer service level and interests of the firm. The proposed model is applied in a company operatinginthewood-basedpanelindustrysector.Theimportancelevelsofcustomer requirements in HoQ are calculated by Goal Programming, which allows for the evaluation of different types of surveys simultaneously. The incorporation of Goal Programming, DEA and Fuzzy Logic to the proposed model shows that the QFD is an interdisciplinary method and its results are reliable owin