NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern Europe, Odesa, Ukraine, 23 - 28 August 2008, pp.175-177
The effects of land use change on terrestrial carbon budgets for the Black Sea Region were investigated using remote sensing, forest inventory data, and a carbon model. We focus on three countries in the region: Romania, Georgia and Turkey. Rates of land use change between circa-1990 and circa-2000 were quantified by analyzing Landsat imagery. A carbon book-keeping model was used to quantify these effects in Romania. In Georgia, illegal logging and state-controlled forest harvest are the main sources of land use change. Our analysis shows a small amount of land use change - in the relatively populous Ajdara region, 2.5% of the forested area in 1990 had been converted to non-forest in 2000. Even less land use change was found in Turkey - for the Northeastern part of the country bordering Georgia, 0.28% of the forested land (1,113 ha) had been converted to non forest over the period 1990-2000. For the whole country of Romania, the corresponding number was 2.4%. Integrating this harvest rate with forest inventory data in the carbon book-keeping model indicates that Romanian forests are currently a carbon sink and will remain so until about 2080 if current harvesting rates persist. The current carbon sink of 2.54 TgC/year is approximately 10% of the anthropogenic emission from fossil fuels in Romania.