Screening Some Enzyme-İnhibitory Activity in Ascidian (Botryllus schlosseri) from Trabzon, Turkey

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Dokuzparmak Ü., Alkan N., Durrani U. K.

3rd International Environmental Chemistry (EnviroChem) Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 1 - 04 November 2021, pp.93

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.93
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Ascidians or sub-phylum Tunicata could be found in all marine environments from coastal to the open sea.1 However, all the organisms are sessile. They cannot escape from their predators and competitors. In nature, they must produce a vast complex compound with defensive properties (e.g., antipredatory, antifouling).2 In recent years, ascidians have received more interest in the field of pharmaceutical usage because of their natural therapeutic properties.3

In this study, Botryllus schlosseri was collected from Trabzon beaches in May 2020. Some industrial enzyme inhibitory and physical properties of Botryllus schlosseri were studied. The results of the analyzes are found as physically (%Lipid: 28.00±0.00, %Solid matter: 5.49±0.01, %Water content: 84.51±0.01, %Protein content: 57.0±0.0, pH: 9.70±0.0) and as enzyme inhibitory (Urease IC50: 4.46±0.00 mg/mL, Amylase IC50: No Detection, Acetylcholinesterase IC50: No Detection).

These findings show that Botryllus schlosseri have insufficient inhibitory effect on the enzymes we worked. We believe that apart from looking for these results, future research should look for deep investigation other properties that are important for health industrial usage.