Giant Respiratory System

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Topaloğlu Ö., Karapolat S., Akdoğan A.

American Journal of the Medical Sciences, vol.363, no.5, 2022 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


A 57-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with complaints of frequent lung infection and hemoptysis. He had a fever and finger clubbing in his physical examination, and bronchial rales were detected at the lower zones of his lungs during auscultation. In his thoracic tomography, which was taken after his chest x-ray revealed dilated trachea and bronchi, his trachea was measured to be 45 mm in diameter, his right main bronchus 30 mm in diameter, and left main bronchus 60 mm in diameter and sites of tubular bronchiectasis in various locations were seen in both lungs and the patient was diagnosed with tracheobronchomegaly (Fig. 1a, b, c). With a medical treatment involving respiratory physiotherapy, antibiotherapy, and mucolytic treatment, clinical relief was achieved and the patient was included in the routine follow-up schedule.