Fracture controlled and stratabound stibnite, and cinnabar deposits of western Turkey: A genetical approach

Akcay M., Ozkan H., Moon C., Spiro B.

4th Biennial SGA Meeting on Mineral Deposits - Research and Exploration: Where do They Meet, Turku, Finland, 11 - 13 August 1997, pp.37-40 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Turku
  • Country: Finland
  • Page Numbers: pp.37-40
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The stibnite deposits in the Emirli region (western Turkey) have crosscutting and stratabound subtypes occurring in association with each other. Cinnabar deposits, however, are all structurally controlled. Stibnite deposition was initiated at about 300 degrees C due to a temperature drop as a result of a possible fluid immiscibility and continued till low temperature conditions. With further cooling below 170 degrees C, cinnabar deposition took place. The fluids responsible for the crosscutting mineralisation have low salinities (<3 wt% NaCl eq.) and are dominantly of meteoric origin. delta(34)S values of pyrite, stibnite and marcasite from both crosscutting and stratabound stibnite mineralisations are similar and show a wide span ranging from -5.6 to -13.1 parts per thousand, whereas those from cinnabar have consistent values (-6.5 to -6.8 parts per thousand). This indicates that sulphur of crosscutting stibnite mineralisation is derived from stratabound sulphide mineralisation and that input of magmatic sulphur may have increased towards the cinnabar deposition.