Make in India Initiative for Sustainable Development: Unleashing Potential

Creative Commons License

Aras F. Ç.

White Falcon Publishing, Chandigarh, 2023

  • Publication Type: Book / Vocational Book
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • City: Chandigarh
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


This book deals with the Make in India program, which is a sustainable development program, and its scope, sectoral advances, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) programs’ investments, and innovations in infrastructure work. This book evaluates the state of India’s sustainable economic development programs. Continuity of India’s development programs and then, within the scope of India’s bilateral country relations, were separated and analysed in the field of investment and technology transfers. In this context, great importance has been attached to the international dimension, in which India’s investment quests are contextualized in bilateral relations with individual countries. What further analysis makes clear is that the international arena offers significant opportunities, but at the same time, realizing more investment will further develop this program.

The first part starts with the explanation of the concept of sustainable economic development. Afterward, modern and historical theories were examined, and how the international environment in the past directed these theories and trends was reviewed. After that, how past works guided today’s politics were analysed. Historically, the fate of global development history reflected the destiny of global economies. As a matter of fact, it brings along deviation from development programs after each crisis period. In this case, it also reveals the importance of countries’ development policies. Theories of development are blended with regional theories, and the evaluation of innovation programs in this context is discussed. This situation enables innovation programs in developing countries to make programs to eliminate regional inequalities. Finally, in this section, India’s five-year development programs from 1947 to the present are discussed within the framework of the conjuncture of the period. In this way, thanks to the values and experiences from the past, the regulations and the implementation of the Make in India program were explained from a historical perspective.

In this context, the Make in India program, which is India’s current innovation program, is examined in depth in the second part. The first announcement of the Make in India program, what kind of a campaign it followed, and its benefits from historical traces were discussed. Then, by explaining what kind of development program the Make in India program is, sectors within the Make in India program’s scope were examined. The current situation of these sectors has been considered and whether progress has been made. Afterwards, all infrastructure works and innovations within the scope of the Make in India program were examined, and the integration studies of these developments were examined. Under the Make in India program, the induction method will analyse FDI policies and sectoral incentives of these policies. With case studies and questionnaires, these sections’ fine details were examined, and inferences were made. While the various challenges are specific to each sector, this chapter also identifies various systematic problems such as insufficient supply, pervasive demand, and import propensity.

In the third part, China’s sustainable development plans and programs are examined and analysed comparatively with the Make in India program. In this context, firstly, China’s past development programs and projects were explored in historical longitude, and the historical traces and theories of China’s development programs today were determined. Afterwards, China’s current innovation programs were explained, and long-term missions were discussed from “today’s conjuncture”. Later, these development programs of China were analysed compared to India’s Make in India program, and the pros and cons of both programs were discussed. Besides, the past development programs and five-year development plans in both countries were discussed. These programs’ data and their reflections to the present were mutually examined and their considerations to the present day. In this context, what kind of programs are being tried to overcome the regional underdevelopment have been studied, and the medium- and long-term development programs have been analysed comparatively. As a result of all these analyses and inferences, both countries’ global policies have been analysed comparatively.

In the last part, inferences and analyses are made for the Make in India program. In this context, deductions are made for India’s sustainable development program to become more functional and to be more expandable in the long term. In this context, the Make in India program’s road map was examined comparatively in the light of current theories, and the consistency of the future program and goals was evaluated. The scope and boundaries of the Make in India program were determined, and inferences were made. In the light of these evaluations, the concept of creative destruction was explained, and speculations were made by demonstrating the possible dangers of creative destruction to the Make in India program. The new plans, programs, missions, and road maps within the Make in India program’s scope in the covid19 period and afterward were analysed, and the future of the Make in India program was widely analysed.

Looking at the whole world from South Asia, India’s Make in India program can be considered as a way of evaluating the existing potential for a better society. When this is also viewed with China’s current management philosophy, the concept of development takes on a different concept. However, the Make in India program’s complex interdependence strategy with its internal sectors is essential for the further development of this plan. Still, India has a unified development policy, and this program is strongly supported by political will. This situation will ultimately affect the destiny of the region as India is one of the world’s most extraordinary powers.