In this article, Pathfinder-Derivative filtered proportional-integral-derivative controller (PF-PIDF) is proposed as the optimum algorithm and controller for DC motor speed control. The Pathfinder algorithm is inspired by the collective behavior of the animal colony and imitates the leadership hierarchy of the herds in order to determine the best meal or hunting ground. The movement of all particles is not regular, they all move randomly. In order to acquire the best parameters of the derivative filtered PID controller (PIDF) controller with the Pathfinder algorithm, the objective function ITAE (Integral of the Time Multiple Absolute Error), one of the commonly used objective functions in the literature, was used. Time solution set analysis, frequency response analysis (bode), robustness analysis, pole-zero map analysis and load disturbance rejection analysis were performed in MATLAB/Simulink software to make comparisons between algorithms and controllers and to testify the sufficiency of the proposed controller. As a result of the studies, it has been seen that the with PIDF Pathfinder algorithm has better performance than the other optimization algorithms in the article.