Matrix-induced autologous mesenchymal stem cell implantation versus matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation in the treatment of chondral defects of the knee: a 2-year randomized study

Akgun I., Unlu M. C., Erdal O. A., Ogut T., Erturk M., Ovali E., ...More

ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY, vol.135, no.2, pp.251-263, 2015 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Cell-based strategies that combine in vitro- expanded autologous chondrocytes with matrix scaffolds are currently preferred for full-thickness cartilage lesions of the knee a parts per thousand yen2 cm(2). Although this approach is reasonable, continuing advances in the field of cartilage repair will further expand the options available to improve outcomes.