International Journal of Caring Sciences, vol.16, no.3, pp.1413-1422, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effects of web-based education on nursing students’ learningof the nursing process.Method: The study was conducted in a nursing faculty. The population of the study consisted of 90students. The control and implementation groups were determined by drawing lots. The traditionalclassroom education method was used in the control group for teaching the nursing process. In theimplementation group, web-based education was used in addition to traditional classroom education.“Identification Form”, “Nursing Process Knowledge Form”, “Visual Analog Scale”, “Nursing ProcessAssessment Form” and the software program developed on the web were used to collect data. Means,standard deviation, number, percentile, independent two samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-squaretest and Brunner-Langer test were used in the analysis of the data.Results: The mean age of students was 20.77±2.25 in the implementation group and 20.70±1.35 in thecontrol group. Of the students, 77.3% in the implementation group and 89.1% in the control group werefemales. According to 63.3% of the students, the nursing education they received was sufficient. Thestudents in the implementation group were satisfied with the education method used in teaching thenursing process (p<0.005) and their nursing process application skill scores were higher than those ofthe students in the control group.Conclusion: The web-based education positively contributed to nursing students’ learning of the nursingprocess and improved the nursing process application skills of the students in the implementation groupat higher levels.