STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, vol.73, no.2, pp.153-165, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)
The effect of soil foundation plays active role in optimum design of steel space frames when included. However, its influence on design can be calculated after a long iterative procedure. So it requires longer computer time and more computational effort if it is done properly. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how these effects can be calculated in more practical way in a shorter time. The effects of semi-rigid column bases are taken into account in optimum design of steel space frames. This study is carried out by using JAYA algorithm which is a novel and practical method based on a single revision equation. The displacement, stress and geometric size constraints are considered in the optimum design. A computer program is coded in MATLAB to achieve corporation with SAP2000-OAPI (Open Application Programming Interface) for optimum solutions. Four different steel space frames including soil structure interaction taken from literature are investigated according to different semi-rigidly supported models depending on different rotational stiffness values. And the results obtained from analyses are compared with the results available in reference studies. The results of the study show that semi-rigidly supported systems in the range of appropriate rotational stiffness values offer practical solutions in a very short time. And close agreement is obtained with the studies on optimum design of steel space frames including soil effect underneath.