Atıf İçin Kopyala
Keleş H., Şahi̇n H. I.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.19-26, 2025 (Hakemli Dergi)
This article is about logical values. Known logical values are explored in the definition of logic given in B2. The statement “not both” is analyzed. The logical definition B3 is given according to the results obtained. The expansion of logical values in B2 is investigated in logic B3. New logical values are added to the literature. True corresponds to 1 and false corresponds to 0. If these both cases are not enough. We need to put - 1 for ternary logic which is the scope of the paper. Therefore, the existing values of real expressions are obtained. The new definitions, lemmas and theorems covering the three logical values are the core of the paper.