Geomorphological Characterization of Solaklı Watershed in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey.(Poster Presentation) in Trabzon Provinence, Turkey

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International Forestry Symposium, IFS2016,, Kastamonu, Turkey, 7 - 11 December 2016, vol.00, no.0

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 00
  • City: Kastamonu
  • Country: Turkey
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Land use and geomorphology of the watershed refers to physical characteristics which affect quantity and qulity of water and also aquatic ecosystems, is one of the factors that play an important role in the watershed planning process. In this study, watershed characteristics such as area, the perimeter, form factor, circularity ratio, elongation ratio, average slope, slope and aspect, slope of the main stream, the number of streams, the frequency of the stream, drainage density and time of concentration of watershed were determined. As well as actual land use
condition that agriculture, forest, pasture and settlement area have been identified by using 1/25.000 scale topographic maps and forest management plans within the ArcGIS 10.0software. Consequently, the total watershed area is 758,822km2, the perimeter 180,479 km, form factor 0.379, circularity ratio 0.3, elongation ratio 0.65 and average slope 52.94%, average elevation 1592.34 m, slope of the main stream 3.26%, the number of streams 959, the frequency of the stream 1.27, drainage density 1,34 km km-2 and time of concentration 126.55 minute, respectively. The actual land use ratio in watershed: forest 70%, agriculture 17%, pasture 11%,
residential area 2% are covered seriatim. The obtained data will provide guidance to
practitioners during the watershed planning process.

Keywords: Watershed physical characteristics, Watershed planning, Land use