Determination Of Alpha Decay Energies for 106Sg, 107Bh and 108Hs Nuclei


Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Science Science Journal, vol.37, pp.120-128, 2016 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Alpha decay properties of superheavy nuclei are challenging for understanding the properties of superheavy region from both theoretical and experimental side. Artificial neural network (ANN) which is successful in many phenomenon of nuclear physics has been employed for the experimental alpha decay energy data of superheavy nuclei in order to estimate unknown alpha decay energies for Sg, Bh and Hs nuclei. Different models of the ANN have been tested on the data. The results of the present study indicate that ANN is capable in this task. The mean square erros for the estimations are about 1-1.5%. The best result have been obtained by using fuzzy logic ANN model.