In the end of the First World War, The Committee of the Union and Progress, headed by Talat Pasha, resigned on October 8, 1918. Then, the Party of the Union and Progress made its last congress and dissolved itself. The top leaders of the Party, Enver Pasha, Cemal Pasha and Talat Pasha and Bedri Bey, Cemal Azmi Bey, Dr. Nazim Bey, Bahattin Sakir Bey departed the Ottoman State lands with a German submarine during the congress. Enver Pasha had long been in contact with the Bolshevik Russians. He came to Batum after Kutahya-Eskisehir Battles and wished to enter Anatolia. However, he decided not to enter Anatolia, because of the great victory in the Sakarya War. By the end of 1921, he went to Turkestan and was on the side of the Turks fighting against the Bolshevik Russians. The Turks under the leadership of Enver Pasha had gained important achievements against the Russians. But these achievements did not result in a definite victory. Finally, Enver Pasha was killed by the Red Troops in Beljuan district of Bokhara on August 4, 1922.