IAWA JOURNAL, vol.29, no.3, pp.303-310, 2008 (SCI-Expanded)
Wood anatomy of Flueggea anatolica Gemici, a relictual endemic from southern Turkey, is described and compared with wood of its presumed relatives in Phyllanthaceae (formerly Euphorbiaceae subfamily Phyllanthoideae). Wood of this critically endangered species may be characterized as semi-ring porous with mostly solitary vessels bearing simple perforations, alternate intervessel pits and helical thickenings; imperforate tracheary elements include helically thickened vascular tracheids and septate libriform fibers; axial parenchyma consists of a few scanty paratracheal cells; rays are heterocellular, 1 to 6 cells wide, with some perforated cells present. Anatomically, Flueggea anatolica possesses a syndrome of features common in Phyllanthaceae known in previous literature as Glochidion-type wood structure: as such, it is a from other species of the genus Flueggea. good match for woods from other species of the genus Flueggea.