169Yb product cross section calculations for neutron induced reactionsof stable Yb isotopes

Bahadır H., Haspolat B., Erdem S., BAYRAM T., Korkut H., Korkut T.

TESNAT2017-Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology, Adana, Turkey, 10 - 12 May 2017, pp.83

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Adana
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.83
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: No


Many radioisotopes are used in the field of medicine for diagnostic applications and treatments. Ytterbium-169 (169Yb) is used in the medical field where it has been proposed as an alternative for 125I and 103Pd in the treatment of prostate cancer while it is also used for diagnostics in the gastrointestinal tract. Small amounts of 169Yb is used as a radiation source substitute for portable X-ray machines where electricity is not available. In the present study, we have investigated 169Yb product cross sections for neutron induced reactions of stable Yb isotopes. For this investigaton, the TALYS-1.8 code has been used. Neutron energy range has been considered as 0-50 MeV. 169Yb cross section rates in the neutron induced reactions of stable Yb isotopes have been discussed and compared with the results of TENDL-2015 data.