IEEE 802.1 Zaman Hassas Haberleşme için Hizmet Reddi Saldırılarının Etki Analizi

Topsakal M., Cevher S.

2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 15 Mayıs 2022


The physical processes in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are supervised by control computers via sensors and actuators. Developing deterministic real-time communication technologies for CPS platforms is a field of active research. IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) task group is the leading organization targeting the standardization of Ethernet-based deterministic communication technologies due to its high bandwidth and low cost. In this paper, the negative impact of a DoS (Denial of Service) attack on the end-to-end delays of real-time traffic flows in a TSN network is analyzed using an example in-vehicle communication scenario. Experimental results show that a DoS attack can lead to severe consequences for the healthy operation of safety-critical functions in a TSN network.