Transforming of schools to democratic and participative learning environment (Democratic school governance) Okullarin demokratik ve katilimci öǧrenim ortamlarina dönüştürülmesi


Milli Egitim, no.192, pp.7-25, 2011 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Journal Name: Milli Egitim
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.7-25
  • Keywords: Democracy, Democracy education, Democratic citizenship, Democratic schools
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Transferring of the democratic values to individuals is gaining strength and speed through education given in the schools in the early years. Within this framework, the importance of the activities put into practice and ongoing education in schools are undeniable fact. Successful fulfillment of this task by the educational instutions is directly related to on the one hand these instutions and the quality and quantity of staffs (managers, teachers, students and other employees) working in this instutitons. In this context, school environment should be created to give opportunity for democracy practices besides theoretical democracy education in school, all individuals including the school administrator, teachers and other school employees required knowledge, skills and understanding to be equipped and democratic school structure should be built up. Particularly Council of Europe conveys to important works related to the this issue. With Democratic Citizenship Education (DCE) project, Council of Europe called its members to take the "Democratic Citizenship Education" into their educational policies and reforms by publishing the "Democratic Citizenship Education Recommendation" in 2002 in order to internalize of respect for human rights and democracy culture by developing. For this purpose necessary measures has been taken by member countries to the Council of Europe and many projects are implemented. In this study, fistly the concept of democracy is focsed to clarify issues related issue and after that democratic citizenship, democracy, education and democratic school management concepts are emphasized. In the light of Council of Europe's studies, some examples of works are given from the member countries especially on democratic school management and in this context sustained works in Turkey are presented.