Oil contamination damage and the marine biodiversity Caspian Sea and Black Sea

SİVRİ N., ÖZCAN H. K., Ahmadli F., BAŞAR E.

13th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Greece, 6 - 08 August 2016, vol.1, no.1, pp.526-531

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1
  • Country: Greece
  • Page Numbers: pp.526-531
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Oil Industry is known to be a leading figure in industrial pollution. Like other types of industries,oil industry is damaging on both offshore and onshore ecosystem with its waste. Oil spills can causea wide range of impacts in the marine environment and are often portrayed by themedia as "environmental disasters" with dire consequences predicted for survival of marine flora and fauna.

Accidental spills of the contaminants pose a very high level of threat for the marine ecosystem and coastline. The economic fish species are very sensitive to continued high fluxes of contamination as the both of Caspian Sea and Black Sea are closed basins. The spilled oil could contaminate not only shorelines of oceans and lakes but also some of rivers and streams and other ecologically sensitive habitats along the water’s edge. In this study, the environmental pollution problems caused by petroleum reaching water bodies by accidents or intentional events during extraction, transportation or refining processes has been conducted and possible effects were investigated on Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Petroleum contamination examples in Black Sea were researched with different scenarios and potential similar accidents’ damage effect on biodiversity to Caspian Sea region has been estimated. Apart from the possible effects of such risks on endemic and economic species, the procedure s towards reducing these effects have been discussed. Both of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea , which are among the most remarkable water basins in the world, are unique ecosystems including endangered species and also other endemic and economic species detected by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). At this study oil contamination examples in Caspian Sea and Black Sea were researched and damage to Caspian region has been estimated for the case study. The other purpose of this research is to identify damages to ecosystems by oil industry wastes, to investigate prior studies conducted on this matter and make an evaluation.