Evaluation of the efect of waste zeolite on the strength and micro‑macrostructure of a high plasticity clayey soil stabilized with lime‑waste zeolite mixtures subjected to freezing–thawing cycles

Yılmaz F., Şadoğlu E., Kamiloğlu H. A.

ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, vol.15, no.480, pp.1-11, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 15 Issue: 480
  • Publication Date: 2022
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/s12517-022-09767-z
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-11
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


This study investigates the efect of waste zeolite (waste zeolite) and lime-waste zeolite mixtures on swelling potential, mechanical, and durability performances of a high plasticity clayey soil considering the macro and micro aspects. Three diferent subtypes of the tufte formation were taken into account to examine the efect of diferences of tuf structure on the stabilization performance. Within this scope, XRD, XRF, and SEM analyses were performed to identify mineralogical and oxide components of the materials. Computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were evaluated during the inner structure examination. The correlation between unconfned compressive strength and Hounsfeld unit (HU) obtained from the CT images was investigated statistically. Pearson’s correlation analysis and Spearman’s Rho were performed to measure the strength of association between two variables. The swelling and mechanical properties of the stabilized soils were evaluated. Durability performances of the stabilized samples were determined considering unconfned compressive strength and the HU values of the samples subjected to freezing–thawing (F-T) cycles. The efects of curing and F-T cycles on the volume of the samples were investigated using CT imaging. The unconfned compressive strength of the natural soil at the end of the 28-day curing period was determined as 118.46 kPa, and the SLW10 sample containing natural soil+6% lime+10% white tuf waste was determined as 1651.59 kPa. The highest strength after the F-T cycles was obtained from the SLG10 sample containing soil+6% lime+10% green tuf waste as 1382.05 kPa. From the statistical analyses determined that there is a signifcant, positive correlation between HU value and unconfned compressive strength (r=0.99, p<0.01). As a result of the study, it was determined that waste zeolites decreased swelling pressure, and the onedimensional swelling percentage of clayey soil increased unconfned compressive strength and durability performances of soil on a limited scale. On the other hand, no swelling behavior was observed in the soils stabilized with lime and limewaste zeolite mixtures. Mechanical and durability performances of waste zeolite-lime mixtures are more efective than lime-stabilized soils. Strength and durability performances of soils can be estimated accurately considering HU values. In the light of the data obtained from the experimental study, the relationship between unconfned compressive strength and HU values showed that CT is a useful method in the analysis of soil microstructure and nondestructive strength evaluation.