Because of the individuality and the complexity of the problem solving process, there are many factors which influence the students' problem solving skills. One of the most important factors is the problem solving steps exhibited by teachers. Although there are many researches about the individual problem solving process, there have not been any researches about teachers' problem solving steps. This research was carried out to determine problem solving steps exhibited by teachers during the unit of "Force and Motion". In addition to this fundamental purpose, we tried to determine the compliance of the solved problems related to this unit with physics curriculum. For this purpose, 3 different teachers from 3 different schools in the province of Trabzon were observed throughout the related unit (74 hours). During this process, the solutions of 163 problems were observed. General phases exhibited by teachers during problem solving were identified through the examination of the solution of each problem separately. These phases are motivation, description of problem, physical description, plan, implementation of problem, providing the clarity of solution, enlargement of the solution and enlargement of the problem. In addition, teachers' specific problem-solving steps which are used in general problem-solving phases were identified. In contrast to the recommendations in the curriculum, most of the solved problems were not suitable for everyday life and were resolved by the teacher on the board. Teachers should be informed about the benefits of using problems related to everyday life, and the importance of appropriating problem solving steps according to the students' or problems'