Natural Heritages of The Southeast Black Sea Mountains: Agaçbaşı, Barma and Yılantaş High Altitude Peatlands, Trabzon, Türkiye


JOURNAL OF ANATOLIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, vol.8, no.3, pp.388-393, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


The study aims to reveal the formation, geographical, climatic, and rare ecological features and the necessity of protection of the peatlands, which are the high plateau wetlands of Trabzon, which require the protection of the cooperation of the state and the public. The study, with the traditional compilation method; the earlier studies, data and information were compilated and the present situation and what needs to be done were examined. Turkey's largest high plateau peatlands are located in the southwestern Caucasus-Soğanlı Mountains. The peatland region receives high precipitation (app.1500 mm/year) with its subtropical-subpolar cool and humid climate character. Ağaçbaşı, Barma and Yılantaş are the largest highland peatlands of the region and Turkey and the southborder peatland of the northern hemisphere. These peatlands are important natural heritage sites on a global scale due to their geographical and ecological characteristics. The region has approximately 200ha high plateau peatland areas with depths of 50-450cm. Peatlands have ombrotrophic features, where the water and plant nutrients that make up the peatland are provided only by precipitation and the atmosphere, and there is no water inflow. Peatlands, which have rare flora and fauna species, are a natural archive that preserves the ecological and climatological data of the region's 8-10000-year history. 2561ha of peatland, plateau and forest area in Ağaçbaşı, Barma and Yılantaş plateau were registered and protected as natural protected areas in the 2019-2023 period. Trabzon peatlands are at high risk due to illegal construction, land/ecosystem division by roads, illegal peatcutting and other human interventions. For sustainable protection of peatlands; It is necessary to prepare Conservation Development Plans, determine the construction, and prepare and implement Site Management Plans with state-public cooperation