Scientific Meeting on Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings (EBBT), İstanbul, Türkiye, 20 - 21 Nisan 2017
With the development of new applications, the number of users in telecommunication networks is increasing considerably. Cognitive radio (CR) is a promising solution to manage radio resources by opening up the underutilized parts of the licensed spectrum for secondary reuse. A proper radio resource management (RSM) policy should be implemented to improve overall network performance with paying regard to both network operator (NO) and user satisfaction. Instant Overbooking Framework for Cognitive Radio Network (IOFCR) is provided in order to pave the way for better utilization of radio resources in the network. In this study, performance of dynamic switch IOFCR is evaluated in peak/off-peak hours. Simulation results show the overbooking limit of each IOFCR overbooking policies in both peak/off-peak hours. Based on the dynamic switch system, NO tradeoffs cost-performance of IOFCR via different overbooking thresholds. Simulation results show that the selecting appropriate overbooking policy leads to decrease the number of eliminated active secondary users (ASUs) then increase network revenue as NO pays reasonable compensation cost (CC) for eliminated ASUs.