Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol.427, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2022 Elsevier B.V.The central Anatolian Volcanic Province encompasses many volcanoes elongated in a northeast-southwest direction. Karadağ is one of the dormant Quaternary stratovolcanoes of the region at the southern end of the province. We acquired broadband magnetotelluric (MT) data in the period range 0.0001–251 s at 124 locations to obtain a three-dimensional electrical resistivity model to identify the associated magmatic-hydrothermal system beneath the Karadağ stratovolcano. The resistivity model provides evidence for low resistivity anomalies that include (1) a near-surface localised low resistivity (~ 20 Ωm) zone situated directly beneath the crater centre that is interpreted to be lacustrine sediments of an extinct crater lake, (2) a shallow low resistivity (~ 10 Ωm) zone of probable hydrothermal alteration in the eastern part of the stratovolcano and (3) a deep and large zone of low resistivity (<10 Ωm) attributed to a shallow-seated magma reservoir at a depth of 3 to 7 km beneath the volcanic edifice. A few hundred meters thick resistive surface layer corresponds to the Karadağ adakitic volcanics (i.e., andesites and dacites), and a resistive basement representing Precambrian to Mesozoic high- and medium-grade metamorphic rocks on the flanks is observed in the resistivity model.