Alkan AKSOY was born in 1980 in the province of Trabzon Vakfıkebir.He completed his high school education in Trabzon High School in 1997. He completed his undergraduate education in Electrical and Electronics Engineering of KTÜ in 2003. He completed his military service in 2005 at the Communication School in Ankara and as a lieutenant in the NATO in Istanbul. He worked as coordinator in Trabzon TEDAŞ and foreign trade sales manager in Izmit ELİMSAN Switchgear and Elektromekanik AS factories. Since 2008, he has been working as an Instructor at Karadeniz Technical University Sürmene Abdullah Kanca Vocational School Electrical Program. In 2016, he completed his master's degree in electrical engineering at the Black Sea Technical University Institute of Science. Atatürk University Electrical and Electronics Engineering is still continuing his education in doctoral program. He speaks English well. He is married and has one child.
- Web Page
- Office Phone
- +90 462 752 2603
- Office Phone
- +90 462 377 8173
- Fax Phone
- +90 462 752 2630
- Office
- Abdullah Kanca MYO
- Address
- Abdullah Kanca Meslek Yüksekokulu PK:61530 Çamburnu Sürmene/TRABZON