Publications & Works

Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI

Articles Published in Other Journals

Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings

The Effects of Seed and Cutting Production Methods on Rooting of Rowan (Sorbus L.) Species Growing in the Rize Provinces

International Symposium, People- Forest- Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 10 - 12 October 2018, pp.27

Periodical analysis of the effect of release cutting on stand structure at a beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stand in Turkey.

International Symposium Man Forest Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 10 - 12 October 2018, pp.25

Analysis of conformity assessment of native tree species of urban allees in Turkey.

International Symposium Man Forest Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 10 - 12 October 2018, pp.18

A Study on Success of Different Grafting Methods for Grafted Plant Production of Tilia platyphyllos

4 th International Non-Wood Forest Products Symposium, Bursa, Turkey, 4 - 06 October 2018, pp.27

Türkiye ormancılığında doğal varlıkların korunması: Anıt ağaç örneği.

1st International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congres, Antalya, Turkey, 7 - 10 December 2017, pp.327 Sustainable Development

Effects of IBA on the Rooting Ability of Softwood Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Cuttings

International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAFOF 2017), Nevşehir, Turkey, 15 - 17 May 2017, pp.312

Analysis of Sustainability in High Mountain Forests

Ecology Symposium (ECOLOGY 2017), Kayseri, Turkey, 11 - 13 May 2017, pp.39 Sustainable Development

Classification Criteria of Old-Growth Forests

International Forestry Symposium 2016, Kastamonu, Turkey, 7 - 10 December 2016, vol.1, pp.90 Sustainable Development

Relationship between Dead Trees and Ground Based Skidding Activities in Forest Management

International Forestry Symposium 2016, Kastamonu, Turkey, 7 - 10 December 2016, vol.1, pp.251 Sustainable Development

Doğal Yaşlı ormanların Envanteri

2023'e Doğru 3. Doğa ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 29 November 2015, pp.171-186 Sustainable Development

Odun Dışı Orman Ürünlerinde Tek Kaynak Tür İçin Envanter Yöntemlerinin Belirlenmesi

2023'e Doğru 3. Doğa ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 29 November 2015, vol.1, pp.107-118 Sustainable Development

Woody taxa that produce important non-wood forest products for rehabilitation in arid-semi arid region

International Scientific Forum Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded Forest, Astana, Kazakhstan, 8 - 12 June 2015, vol.1, no.1, pp.97 Sustainable Development

The evaluation of the economic analysis on non-wood forest products to be used in the rehabilitation areas: The case of Turkey

International Scientific Forum Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded Forest, Astana, Kazakhstan, 8 - 12 June 2015, vol.1, no.1, pp.154 Sustainable Development

Rehabilitation of Burned Forest Area in Arid and Semi Arid Regions: Serik-Taşağıl Region Case

International Scientific Forum Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded Forest, Astana, Kazakhstan, 8 - 12 June 2015, pp.68 Sustainable Development

Evaluation of Rehabilitation Action Plan (2006-2015) of Juniper Forests in Turkey

International Scientific Forum Rehabilitation & Restoration of Degraded Forest, Astana, Kazakhstan, 8 - 12 June 2015, pp.28 Sustainable Development

Ekosisteme Can Veren Zincirin Önemli Halkası Ölü Ağaçlar

2023’e Doğru 2. Doğa ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey, 31 October - 03 November 2013, vol.1, pp.423-440

Structure Analysis In Mixed Stands Of Amanos Mountain: A Case Study Dörtyol

1st International Symposium On Turkish-Japanese Environment and Forestry, Trabzon, Turkey, 4 - 06 November 2010, vol.3, pp.1490-1491 Sustainable Development

Determining of Geograpihcal Variation of Stone Pine (Pinus pinea L.) by Seedling Characteristics

I.Uluslararası Türk-Japon Çevre ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu, Trabzon, Turkey, 4 - 06 November 2010, pp.371-383

Silvicultural View in High Mountain Ecosystems in Blacksea Region

Mountain Forests in a Changing World, Viyana, Austria, 2 - 04 April 2008, vol.1, no.1, pp.53-54 Sustainable Development

Giresun Yöresinde Korunması Gereken Su Öğeleri

Korunan Doğal Alanlar Sempozyumu, Isparta, Turkey, 18 - 21 September 2005, pp.157-166

Doğal Ormanlarda Silvikültür, Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Sürdürülebilirlik

1. Çevre ve Ormancılık Şurası, Antalya, Turkey, 13 - 14 March 2005, vol.2, pp.350-354 Sustainable Development

Yüksek Dağlık Alanlardaki Ormanların Önemi ve Sürdürülebilirliği

1. Çevre ve Ormancılık Şurası, Antalya, Turkey, 13 - 14 March 2005, vol.4, pp.1416-1420 Sustainable Development

Supply Demand Relations of Wood and Importance of the Industrial Plantations in Turkey The Economics and Management of High Productivity Plantations

International IUFRO Meeting of the WP4.04.06 on Planning and Economics of Fast-Growing Plantation Forest, Lugo, Spain, 27 - 30 September 2004

Doğu Ladini (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) Doğal Gençlikleri Üzerinde Bazı Ölçüm ve Değerlendirmeler

V. Ulusal Orman Fakülteleri Öğrenci Kongresi, Trabzon, Turkey, 29 April - 01 May 2004, vol.1, pp.31-35

Relationship Between Runoff and Different Landuse Types

Proceeding XXXI. International Forestry Students Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 1 - 15 September 2003, pp.32-40

Determining the Stand Structures of Natural Brutian Pine (Pinus brutia) in a Local Distribution Area in İnebolu District

Proceeding XXXI. International Forestry Students Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 1 - 15 September 2003, vol.1, pp.13-18

Species Abundance and Tree Diameter Distribution Trends in the Forest of Kastamonu in Mid-Blacksea Region in Turkey

Decision Support for Multiple Purpose Forestry, Viyana, Austria, 23 - 25 April 2003, vol.1, no.1, pp.61 Sustainable Development

Kurak ve Yarı Kurak Bölgelerde Toprak Aşınımı (Erozyonu) ve Ağaçlandırma Çalışmalarında Kullanılacak Türler

Gümüşhane ve Yöresinin Kalkınması Sempozyumu, Gümüşhane, Turkey, 23 - 25 October 2002, vol.1, pp.55-66 Sustainable Development

Yüksek Dağ Ormanlarının Yapısı Fonksiyonları Ekolojik ve Silvikültürel Temeller

Türkiye Dağları I. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Kastamonu, Turkey, 25 - 27 June 2002, pp.406-412 Sustainable Development

Biyolojik Çeşitliliğin Tespiti, Korunması ve Ormancılık Açısından Önemi

Türkiye Dağları I. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Kastamonu, Turkey, 25 - 27 June 2002, vol.1, pp.401-405 Sustainable Development

Functional Assessments of pure oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis L. Link.) Stands in the Giresun District of Turkey

Third Balkan Scientific Conference, Study, conservation and utilisation of the forest resources, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 - 06 October 2001, vol.1, pp.358-368

Current Status of the Mountain Forests in Mediterranean Region of Turkey and Regenetation Problems

Le Deuxième Colloque International : Le Genévrier Thurifère (Juniperus thurifera L.) et les Forêts d’Altitude dans les Montagnes du Pourtour Méditerranéen, Marrakech, Morocco, 17 - 21 April 2001, pp.28 Sustainable Development

Utilizing The Oriental Spruce Forests According to Their Functions in Turkey

International Conference on Forest Ecosystems-Ecology, Conservation and Sustainable Management, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 15 - 21 August 2000, pp.28 Sustainable Development

Books & Book Chapters

Income-Generating Woody Taxa Used for Afforestation inArid-Semi Arid Region: The Case of Turkey

in: Current Trends in Science and Landscape Management, EFE Recep, ZENCIRKIRAN Murat, WENDT Jan A.,, TUMSAVAS Zeynal, UNAL Halil, BORISOVA Bilyana, Editor, ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI UNIVERSITY PRESS, Sofija, pp.625-636, 2017




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